WeChat account hacking tool
AppMessenger technology makes it possible to hack and track other people's WeChat accounts without detecting the hack, and without compromising the anonymity of the hacker. The app team is constantly working on its development, we monitor all changes in the architecture of WeChat, and adapt the software for them.

Sign up to start tracking account activity:
- Hack your message history. Once hacking is complete, you can immediately start viewing and tracking your correspondence. Attached files, voice messages, and videos are displayed in separate tabs.
- Track and record calls in Wechat. The app tracks calls and sends you a notification. Calls can be recorded and listened to later, but no more than 5 recordings can be stored in storage at a time.
- View payment history. The software collects and displays a summary of all payments made by the account owner through the WeChat Pay system on one screen.
- Create, activate or restore an account. Use AppMessenger's built-in tools to solve any problems with registering or verifying your WeChat account.